In the VI century A.D. we had the Tiahuanaco Culture. In the XII century A.D. a "quechua" language town was born which was managed by soveraigns called Incas, with poulations which migrated from the Titicaca Lake's banks to Cusco, organization which attained in short time a great territorial expansion.
The Inca Age
The Incas settled down its Empire capital in Cusco City. The Empire was managed by a government system under the Inca's royal tutelage, who was confered with divine powers and enjoyed a great respect. Their religion was monotheist, governed by the Wiracocha god image; this was a laborious and intelligent town which dominated mathematics, astronomy, architecture and ceramics. The stood out in hydraulics and were great farmers and makers of their environment, cultivating their land through the terrace system, called "andenes" (platforms).
In their social structure, there were well defined social categories, the lands were Inca's property and had the "ayllu" as economic unit, organized as per blood links, parent relationship or common forefathers.
The three great and outstanding ones, were Pachacutec, who greatly extended the Empire because of his conquests; Tupac Yupanqui, who established the inspection system in his domains; and Huayna Capac, who conquested the Quito Zone.
The Conquest
Even when the Inca Empire still had not reached its maturity and was weakened by the Civil War between Huascar and Atahualpa, it took place the Spanish colonization; this, after several attempts, began in 1531 in a movement managed by Francisco Pizarro, who took as prisoner Atahualpa in the year 1532 and killed him on the next year, at the same time spaniards entered to Cusco, what took place on January 15, 1533.
Lima, Peruvian Capital city, foundation took place on January 18, 1535 by Francisco Pizarro with the name of "City of the Kings", which turned to be the Nation's Capital; from that moment on, the rivalries among conquerors come about over and over, giving rise to civil wars among them until 1554. Almagro was defeated by Pizarro at Salinas Battle, which occurred on 1538. Just in 1547 the turbulence of Spanish dominion finished with the sending by Spanish side of Pedro de La Gasca (Clergyman), who succeeded in pacifying the intentions, thus consolidating definitively the Peruvian Viceroyship, which constituted the conquested territories in South America, but not the Caracas government, which belonged to Nueva España Viceroyship (Mexico). On May 12, 1551 took place the foundation of the first of our country's university (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), becoming into the spanish culture center in America; at the same time there were created superior institutes in Arequipa, Trujillo, Pasco and Huancavelica. In 1584, the first printing shop was established by Jesuits. In 1739, the Nueva Granada Viceroyship was definitively born, based on the Panama, Santa Fe and Quito Audiences, to loose, in 1776, the Charcas Audiences, the Tucuman, La Asunción and Buenos Aires Governments, and the Cuyo District, thus becoming reduced to only the Peruvian, Bolivian and Chilean Territories.
The indigenous insurrections of Santos Atahualpa in 1742 and Tupac Amaru in 1780-81, along with the firm position of Viceroy Abascal, prevented the arising of independent attitudes. Between 1805 and 1810, there were produced several rebellion attempts against the colonial authority, being suffocated cruelly.
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